This tutorial will tell you how to root your tecno N3 and tecno P3
first of all rooting of phone is the same like hacking phone,On July 26
2006 united state library of congress made a decision that really
pissed off the android factory they essentially said that it was
legally for smartphone owner to hack their smart phones so that they
can install whatever they want on it, so what is the significant of
rooting a phone wow it let you have complete access of your phone
and let u install programs that your phone company and
manufacture generally wont allow,so when you root android you can
install your own programs,themes,fonts.and you can remove those
unuse application your phone manufacture put on it,before will
continue just know that this will ruined your phone warrantty it work
for some
What you need to know or do before start
1 Your full internet access
2 Enable USB debugging
3 Change location of your install app to phone memory
4 Enable development and Allow mock location
5 Make sure you still have 80% battery percentage
6 To Download poot here
install this POOT apk to internal memory and open it,it will display
This application requires Ministro service cilck ok .it will transfer you
to your google play store to download Ministro II library
it will display error just update through the playstore or through the
apk file you have download the poot
So after installing and updating all the library of QT which is like
(11MB) your phone will automatically reboot if not dont open the
poot cos IF you open it and click press here to poot,your phone will
vibrate and automatically off and it can be ON back until you
remove your battery
and you are not allow to restart or reboot your N3 and P3 until you
root it,SO just turn your phone off and on So as soon as your
sdcard is preparing quickly run poot
1 "press here to poot"
2 "built in root check"
Cilck on the first button "press here to poot" and wait till you get
the 3 buttons (
Get superuser, Get Root checker and in buitl root checker) so cilck
to download the superuser and the root checker on play store cos
without it your phone is not yet root,,so if you have downloaded it
that's means your phone as now been rooted
IF you get demon materialized when you click on "press here to
all you need is to keep trying,
Comment if you have any problems rooting your phone
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