Guys if you are serious about owing a great site like Nigerians
such as you need to step up above your mere
dream. To accomplish great stuff great efforts have to be
The first idea and plans will stem out from you. There is no site
which can't go viral or extint it all depends on the vision bearer.
Naijaloaded is a very great site owned by a Nigerian. Its reburst
and contains lots of downloads espeacially Multimedia made from
Nigerian soil this includes local music and videos etc other
popular Nigerian site are Nairaland and naijahotjobs there are
numarous to mention but these all depends on their packaging
and consistent effort.
Building your wap site must be a very crucial background aspect
of your future and you must think smart think big. I have seen
most people using wapka or other free servers to start truth be
told its ok but a seasoned intuited CEO won't go for this come out
clean go for atleast a reliable platform that can give you flawless
and flexible access to harnese your site potentials besides free
things may not last and you are subjected to restrictions
Choosing a web hosting company. I will try to create another post
on this but to be brief a standard web hosting company should be
able to provide you with a database php and email feature. Then
the traffic usage and diskspace must balance with it. It must not
be very expensive as a starter you can begin with hosting of 2500
Naira yearly.
Website itself
The language which most people favour now is likely PHP its
never a rule for you to write your own script yourself just like
Naijaloaded there are thousands of scripts out there which may be
free to download or paid depending on the developer but what you
should grab here is you must be farmiliar with the scripts to aid
you in modifying it except you plan on hiring a developer
@ PBNL script (Clone of Naija loaded)
When I saw this script I was amazed that Nigerians are now
giving out what they have instead of consuming. It was written by
a Nigerian and though you need little costumization its a great
script to get started with it you must understand what database
parameters means and you must have gotten a web hosting up
and runing ( I could suggest some host if you insist)
Where to download the Script PBNL Naija loaded clone?
I can't categoricaly list them out here (am sure we have shared
some in this forum) but your best friend always remains Google.
Ask for it and get itM anyway there are some site which may not
have been in existence now such as which was
very famous for wapmasters but its in extinction so after
downloading it
Extract it from your zip or rar archive
Used notepad browse and open. (Folder) Modules and find
"setting.php" eit these parameters
Database name; yourusername_database namee
If you observe carefully I included your username and database
username beacause I assumed that you are on a shared server
but if you are on a vps like us it may be only your useraname
( will make another post for that)
Database Username : useraname_database username
Database password: your dabase password
Database host; its usually localhost except your webhost tells you
Next to do list
Your site name: enter the name eg Only
naija portal etc
Site url: url means site relative or resource locator usually a
domain either with http://www or no www then I.E http://
Site colour enter "black" or green or blue depending on available
CSS then edit the facebook page url and twitter then your phone
number and owners name save the file Wow! You are one step
Upload your script to your site using ftp or zip method ( will teach
you latter post) go to your site control panel locate database and
create a new one using the same database name , user and
password. Please if you make mistakes it won't work. Make sure
they have appropriate execution priviledges. Still on control panel
locate Phpmyadmin launch it and select your created database
(other wise known as DB). Click on import and bowse to your
PBNL extracted Folder. Select PBNL.sql click on import/run and
execute allow it to run a successufl sql execution will display
tables by your left but if bad will trigger error. After successful
execution got to your site
Creating admin login
If all went smoothly your site will display but no admin login to
create admin type fill in the
login details the complete it and you are good to go. ftp into your
file and delete 'install.php' for security purposes! " Yes dear login
and start editing. There are many stuff you can do with it if you
require help in costumizing or editing am here for that. Ask me I
also have a workable pbnl script in our server here. Thanks peepz
hope this help you achieve your dream.
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